  • Find casino theme party ideas and decorations to turn a poker party or fundraiser into a casino night. Skip Header & Navigation All content on this site is available, via phone, Monday to Friday from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM CST or Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM CST at 800-875-8480.
  • 'Casino Night' is the twenty-second episode of the second season of The Office and the 28th overall. It was writtenby Steve Carelland directed by Ken Kwapis. It first aired on May 11, 2006. It was viewed by 7.7 million people. It is the first 'supersized' episode of the series, being 28 minutes in length instead of the standard 22 minutes. 1 Plot 2 Trivia 3 Deleted scenes 4 Cultural References.

1280 Park Center Drive Vista, CA 92081. Phone: 760-598-6464. The Casino Biggest Winner allows the top 3 players to win prizes. 10 minutes prior to the end of the gaming, your guests will turn in all their chips as the dealer counts and adds up their winnings and inform the Pit Boss (Casino Manager) of who the biggest winners are.

You only pay a fixed fee for the hire of the fun casino. We don't take any percentage of your takings for the night.

The best way to raise funds with our casino is to sell tickets for your event. Ticket sales should make a profit, cover our fixed fee and also any other options such as a DJ, Band or Food.

On the night the entry ticket should include a set amount fun money (Usually around $200) to help get your guests started on the tables. We set a minimum table bet of $10 which gives your guests around 20 hands/spins with their ticket. As the casino odds always favour the house, most guests will have to buy more money.

Our Booking Process:

When you've decided to book your evening through Entertainment Ideas, you know you're in good hands. All we need to fully secure your date is a set of signed booking documents, which we'll email to you, and a deposit, which can be paid in a variety of ways depending on what's most convenient for you. We offer 24/7 customer support from the time you first book, right up to the end of your event.

Casino night fundraiser prizes

Run Time:

Our casino allows for up to three hours of gaming time, and requires a set up time of up to 1 hour before your event, though early set ups are possible.

A casino night party is more than just a fun time – it’s a bonding activity! Everyone from 8 to 80, from all walks of life, can get excited by sitting down at a Blackjack table or working their Poker skills. The camaraderie of learning and playing Craps together is priceless and hitting the jackpot on Roulette is a story you will be telling for months to come.

But what do you need for a successful casino party? How does it work? What can you and your guests expect? We will walk you through a standard event – both a smaller private party and a larger fundraiser. Hopefully, this will give you a clearer picture as to how your event will unfold. If you have any further questions, feel free to call us at 1-888-942-7277.

Transform your next party by renting our professionally built casino tables.

Please note that we recommend 1 table for every 10 guests at your party. The following event specifications are not one size fits all but were chosen to represent a large range of event sizes.

Casino Night Raffle Prizes

The Party Flow
How a Standard 5-Table Party Breaks Down

Casino Night Prizes

Note: This is just an example rundown. Everything is open for re-imagining.


5 Tables
4 Hours
7 PM to 11 PM
$3000 to each guest
min bet $100
max bet $1000

Casino Night Prizes
  1. Arrival and Hassle Free Set Up

    Our team will arrive to set up the tables at around 6 PM (1 hour before the start of your event). Depending on a few factors, our set up time can vary between 20 and 45 minutes. We will usually be ready by 6:30, or 30 minutes before the start of the event. You can use this time to ask any last minute questions or to let our Event Manager give you a general casino rundown.

  2. Free Money for Showing Up!

    There are any number of ways to distribute funny money to your guests. Below are the three most common approaches:

    1. Goodie Surprise

      Stick the funny money into goodie bags with other party favors for the guests to pick up at the door!

    2. Professional Help

      Hire one of our MCs to greet and engage your guests, encourage gaming at the tables, and distribute funny money to each individual as he or she arrives. Alternatively, you can use our DJ for the same task and knock out two things at once.

    3. The Do-It-Yourselfer

      As the host, you can decide to distribute the funny money yourself. This is popular for its simplicity and cost effectiveness. Alternatively, you can nominate a family member or close friend (or perhaps a co-host) to do it in your place.

    As long as your guests receive their play money and a little push towards the tables, you can distribute it however you’d like! Keep in mind we can personalize your funny money with the photo of your guest of honor or the logo of your company.

  3. The Gaming Begins!

    The gaming tables will open at 7PM and will stay open continuously (unless otherwise specified or requested) until the end of the party. No breaks in the action! If you choose to hire an MC or Pit Boss, they will be on hand to cover any of the tables should one of our dealers have an emergency (maybe they had one too many cups of water!).

  4. Oops! I Ran Out of Money.

    Throughout the night, your guests may run out of money! Either through a series of unfortunate events or some serious mismanaging of their money, someone is going to ask for more. There are a few popular ways to manage this issue:

    1. “Take Your Chances”

      When your guests run out of money, they’re out of luck! This method is choice when there are other activities you may want your guests to participate in.

    2. “Take a Loan”

      Whenever someone wants more money, they go to the funny money distributor. The distributor puts their name on a list with how much they owe. Anyone who takes out such a loan must pay back the noted amount before they are eligible for any prizes.

    3. “Free Play”

      If you just want people to go crazy, this is the way. But what fun is gambling when there is no risk involved? This method is definitely not advised when there are prizes available. How can you reward winners if everyone has infinite money?

    4. “Let’s Play a Game…”

      Personal Favorite! Using this system, when your guests run out of money they must perform some challenge for more money. It can be trivia (themed or not), a mundane task to do something at the party (i.e. collect the garbage from Table 2), or anything else you can imagine.

  5. Specials (or How to Upgrade Your Party)

    When we talk about specials, we are usually referring to funny money sales at a fundraiser. Money is not allowed at a private event but we don’t want you to lose out on the excitement of this stage either! If you are up to the task, come up with some party games and, as a reward for winning these games, award funny money as a prize! It’s a great way of combining the excitement of the casino with the added excitement of more prizes!

  6. The End Draws Near… How We Close

    In order to allow enough time for prizes, we close slowly start closing tables, one by one, a little early. Since you have 5 tables at this event, we will likely close the first table down around 10:30 (30 minutes before the scheduled end of contract), cash out whichever guests are in the vicinity (that is, award them tickets or take their name for high scores based on the method you choose in the next section), and move on to the next table in a seamless transition. This prevents anyone from getting hit with a “end of casino rush.”

  7. Who Won What? Prizes!

    What would a casino be without the chance at winning something? The prize can be as simple as a battle of nice wine, as extravagant as a cruise around Italy, or anywhere in between! The only limitation is what you can imagine (and presumably what you can afford). Depending on the size of the party, we may recommend having more than one prize. Three prizes is usually a nice sweet spot since it allows you to give an award to the top three winners. A private party like yours certainly doesn’t need more than one prize per table.

    1. Raffle Off

      At the end of the night, your guests will turn their funny money and chips in for raffle tickets. With the specifications in question, we recommend a $500/raffle ticket exchange (but again, this is all customizable!). They then take these tickets to the designated drop point for the prizes, put in the tickets, and cross their fingers.

    2. Biggest Overall Winners

      Preferred Method! We cash everyone out and keep track of their final scores. We then hand you (or our Pit Boss/MC/DJ) the sheet with the top winners of the entire night. This is the preferred method for smaller parties where everyone knows everyone because we find bragging rights are just as important the prizes themselves.

    3. Biggest Table Winners

      Similar to the above method, you award a prize to the top winner at each table. There are two big downsides to this method: 1) you will need a prize for every table and 2) it leaves out (or complicates it for) people who were playing earlier and are now doing something else – like eating cake.

The Fundraiser Flow
A Standard Approach to a 14 Table Fundraiser

Note: Every event is different. We are very flexible and open to all suggestions.


14 Tables
4 Hours
7 PM to 11 PM
$1000 to each guest
min bet $100
max bet $1000
$20 rebuy gets $1000

Casino Night Awards


Casino Night Prize Ideas

  1. Arrival, Set Up, and Run Down

    For 14 tables and no DJ, our team will arrive around 5:30 (1.5 hours before the start of your event). The set up time should take around 1 hour to complete, depending on a few factors. You can use the remaining time (15-30 minutes) to touch base with your Pit Boss or Event Manager.

  2. Signing In and Getting Money

    There really is only one way to handle this step for a fundraiser: as soon as your guests sign in, give them their funny money with whatever else they get at the door (door prize ticket, pamphlet, etc). We recommend giving $1000 but are versatile and will be happy to adapt to your wishes.

  3. The Gaming Begins!

    The gaming tables will open at 7PM and will stay open continuously (unless otherwise specified or requested) until the end of the party. The Pit Boss and Floor Runners will relieve dealers as necessary, but their primary focus is to make your event as successful and lucrative as possible. Additionally, the Pit Boss will actively encourage guests to play at the tables using whatever sound system is available (whether that be our DJ or something else).

  4. Oops! I Ran Out of Money.

    Since they only get a few hands to play with at the door (10 hands if you use our recommended system and if they lose each round), eventually your guests are going to need to rebuy. We recommend having a table near the casino where they can go to exchange real money for more funny money. No one from a casino company is allowed to handle actual money so you will need a volunteer or two to handle that. Again, we have found that $20 for $1000 works best but are open to changes.

  5. Specials (or How to Raise Money and Excite Your Guests)

    Here-in lies the crux of the casino night fundraiser. Throughout the night we will be running specials to encourage guests to donate more. One of the more common ones is a funny money sale. If the normal exchange rate is $20 for $1000, during the special we will sell it at the rate of $20 for $2000, doubling its usual value. There are a number of other specials we can run though and our Pit Boss will recommend some based on the crowd.

  6. The End of the Night Draws Near…

    Depending on the number of prizes you have, we will begin closing tables around 9:45 (~90 minutes before the end of your event). Your guests will be directed towards the cash out location where they will receive raffle tickets in exchange for their funny money and chips. We will assist your volunteers with this cash out process. Our preferred ratio is 1 ticket for every $500 in funny money, but wouldn’t be opposed to increasing the amount of tickets given out if you have a larger number of prizes. Note: they can still buy raffle tickets directly from you! But this is their last chance.

  7. Awarding Prizes!

    Once your guests receive their raffle tickets, they will need some time to rip them up and place them in the appropriate bins. This is a great opportunity to thank your volunteers and sponsors and anyone else you’d like to thank – general words from the host. Just before drawing the prizes is also a great time to do your 50/50 drawing.

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