6 Jan 2014 by Anonymous
2 January 2020
constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, blood disorders, blood

I have ibs, and I have been having diarrhea. So no constipation. I felt like I had to go poop, and I went to the bathroom. I pooped out nothing but blood, and now it's just dripping from my butt. I didn't have any poop at all, it was all blood. Please help and tell me what this could be!!! I have no insurance, and I really cannot afford to go to the doctor or the er. I'm scared to death.

This question has also been asked and answered here: Why is there blood in my stool? What does it mean?

Roxy Poxy6 Jan 2014

You really must see a doctor. This many be as simple as hemoids or as serious as colon cancer. Blood coming from any orifice can not be ignored.
Best wishes


Iron Supplements. Black poop can be a side effect of iron pills you take for anemia - a condition. These swollen veins are found in the anus or rectum and are the most likely cause of.

Inactive6 Jan 2014

I do have hemorrhoids.

Why Do I Poop Blood

lucyb786 Jan 2014

Yes. It is very important to go to the doctor. It could be a number of things. I would still go to the ER. There are programs for assistance for people that can't afford their medical bills. I have seen them write off a good portion of the bill for a friend that had no insurance. Please go and get it checked out.

kaismama6 Jan 2014

If it's bright red from close to the anus and is probably just hemorrhoids. If it's dark it is from higher in the digestive tract and is signaling trouble. If you keep passing large amounts you would definitely need to. Go to the er.

Inactive6 Jan 2014

It's bright red, and it was quite a bit.

Silveria4 Jul 2017

Ok I will keep this on mine thank you

Rhona121 Oct 2017

I Am Poop

Hello, just saw your post, how did it turn out?red blood isnt something to worry about, its not nice, its norammly a blood vessel thats torn

Tee67596 Jan 2014

Why Am I Poop Blood

You've been given some very good advice. Please heed the information given. If it persists, please go to the nearest ER. They will work with you. Its better to be safe than sorry. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Seeking peace,

Inactive6 Jan 2014

Thank you so much! I will go and see what it is.

DzooBaby7 Jan 2014

You can see an Urgent Care office too. This is a less expensive option than going to the ER and they will work with you on billing too and it is usually hundreds of dollars less than an ER visit. Many people automatically think of ER but many times UC is just as good and less expensive plus less wait time. Many of them are equipped to do some testing. The only time I would recommend an ER first is for chest pain or if you think you are having a heart attack. Urgent Care (UC) can take care of illness, broken bones, lacerations etc. If you need to be admitted, they can send you to the hospital too.

DzooBaby7 Jan 2014

another ER first is of you have symptoms of a stroke. Blood like this is usually hemorrhoid irritation from hard or a lot of loose stools or a thrombosed hemorrhoid and is easily treated. But bleeding can indicate a more serious condition like colon cancer as well, it is just less likely, but you dont want to ignore bleeding like this just in case it is the more serious case.

kaismama7 Jan 2014

The thing with urgent care is if you don't have insurance you have to pay up front. I went to one with a uti on the weekend because I was miserable and it cost me 400. My own doc would have just called in a script for bactrim. Er lets you make payments.

animalfan7 Jan 2014

I had this same bleeding, kept thinking it wasn't as much as it looked in the toilet, this was 1 1/2 wks. after I had my 1st son. I got so weak from bleeding I almost blacked out. Went to dr. got put in hospital for tests and blood transfusion, 5pts.(which I contracted Hep C from,back in 1973. They never found the source of the bleeding, they decided it was from being very constipated after delivery, after I got home had a very painful bowel movement,bleeding started next day. I had upper and lower G.I.s, x2 because I didn't get cleaned out. For prep, an aide gave me 14 enemas the night before the 2nd lower G.I. I was only 17 at the time. Good luck!! Don't wait to get cked. out.

endlessPred9 Jan 2014

Hi. Checking in to see if you went for treatment. Red blood means possible anal tear. Continuing blood means hospital as people do bleed to death from this. Dark blood that looks like old blood or coffee grounds is also very serious. That just means bleeding is farther up the colon. Anal sex and using objects there can easily tear the bowel. Ignoring bleeding will always make a far longer hospital stay than going in quickly to be checked. Far more expensive.

What has become of your condition? I waited 12 hours to go to the hospital and spent four days on IV. Blood was waiting for me when I arrived. Oh, and this has to be treated at the hospital as clinics don't have the needed equipment and patient care.

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bgarletts4 Oct 2019

Spots Of Blood In Poop

No health insurance. I can’t afford insurance for either the ER or primary care physician. I am pooping nothing but blood. What does that mean?

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