
Welcome to the Grand Rapids, MI Pilots For Kids homepage. Learn how to get involved and participate in Pilots For Kids activities in the Grand Rapids, MI area. No news at this time. Upcoming Events. No upcoming events available. Contact the coordinator to see if there is an event they haven't posted yet! BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes BabyBus Best Job & Occupation Songs for Kids Wha.

Welcome to the Charlotte, NC Pilots For Kids homepage. Learn how to get involved and participate in Pilots For Kids activities in the Charlotte, NC area.


CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Pilots 4 Kids Names

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19



Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

CLT Pilots for kids - 2020 COVID-19

Last updated 2 months ago

Greetings all Charlotte pilots for kids volunteers,
I hope this email reaches you, and everyone is healthy and safe. 2020 has brought us all a great deal of stress and complications across all industries, lives and social interactions. Every day we see more and more disappointments. Unfortunately, I am writing you to add one more straw to that camels back. Due to COVID 19, this years visit to Levine’s Children hospital is cancelled. In the words of Col Bill Kilgore “Someday this wars gonna End.” Hopefully soon.
None the less, we have December 13th 2021 at 1330 on the calendar for next year. So please, make sure your dues are up to date, and we can have the biggest event ever in 2021.
Fraternally yours,

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events available. Contact the coordinator to see if there is an event they haven't posted yet!

Past Events

Events from the past year are displayed here. Please check below this section to see if pictures from these events are posted!

No event details are available from the past 12 months.

Photo Gallery

2017 December Levine Children's Hospital Visit

2017 December

obstolemreaconsi.netlify.com – 2021