
Great stories are planned before they are written

Plot Generator 1 million plot combinations to inspire you. Generate a random plot for your genre. Simply pick between fantasy, romance, sci-fi, mystery, or drama — and click the button below to get started. Note: After clicking 'Draw here', you can click the 'Copy to Clipboard' button (in Internet Explorer), or right-click on the graph and choose Copy. In your Word processor, choose Paste-Special from the Edit menu, and select 'Bitmap' from the choices. Scatter plot maker. Create xy graph online. This website uses cookies to improve your experience, analyze traffic and display ads. History will ultimately hold Trump responsible for this chaos, but the plot to storm the Capitol was also seeded online in far-right message boards, encrypted messaging apps and other social media channels. Agitators there have organized violence, urged each other to bring weapons to the rally, called for civil war and cheered on the unrest as.

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, came up with the idea for theseries while waiting for a train. Did she immediately begin writing the first chapter?No. On that day, she began a five year long journey planning the immersive world andplot of the Harry Potter series. Five years in, and she publishes the first of sevenbooks. What followed was nothing short of amazing.

The series went on to become a worldwide phenomenon and some of the best sellingbooks in history. Records were shattered. Fans clamored for more. J.K. Rowling became ahousehold name and won the admiration of millions around the world.

With Plot Factory, you have the potential to do the same. We provide you with the toolsto realize your masterpiece. Begin your journey now.

A Dot Plot is a graphical display of data using dots.

Example: Minutes To Eat Breakfast

A survey of 'How long does it take you to eat breakfast?' has these results:


Which means that 6 people take 0 minutes to eat breakfast (they probably had no breakfast!), 2 people say they only spend 1 minute having breakfast, etc.

And here is the dot plot:


You can create your own dot plots.

Another version of the dot plot has just one dot for each data point like this:

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Example: (continued)

This has the same data as above:

But notice that we need numbers on the side so we can see what the dots mean.


Example: Access to Electricity across the World

Some people don't have access to electricity (they live in remote or poorly served areas). A survey of many countries had these results:

CountryAccess to Electricity
(% of population)
Algeria 99.4
Angola 37.8
Argentina 97.2
Bahrain 99.4
Bangladesh 59.6
...... etc

But hang on! How do we make a dot plot of that? There might be only one '59.6' and one '37.8', etc. Nearly all values will have just one dot.

The answer is to group the data (put it into 'bins').

In this case let's try rounding every value to the nearest 10%:

CountryAccess to Electricity
(% of population,
nearest 10%)
Algeria 100
Angola 40
Argentina 100
Bahrain 100
Bangladesh 60
...... etc

Now we count how many of each 10% grouping and these are the results:

Access to Electricity
(% of population,
nearest 10%)
Number of
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So there were 5 countries where only 10% of the people had access to electricity, 6 countries where 20% of the people had access to electricity, etc

Here is the dot plot:

Percent of Population with Access to Electricity

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And that is a good plot, it shows the data nicely.

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