
The Battle of Ryloth, also known as the Ryloth campaign or the Liberation of Ryloth, was a major battle that broke out on the planet Ryloth during the Clone Wars. The battle pitted the Galactic Republic and its ally, the Twi'lek Resistance, against the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ryloth was originally discovered by Old Republic explorers approximately 10,000 years before the onset of the Clone Wars and was one of the first worlds discovered in the Outer Rim. Located at one end of the Corellian Run, it was one of the worlds of the galaxy further from the Galactic Core than Tatooine. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2008 TV series Ryloth: Star Wars Legends: Tales from Jabba's Palace: 1995 Book Dry, hot home planet of the Twi'leks, including Hera Syndulla and Jedi Master Aayla Secura. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2009 TV series Saleucami: Revenge of.


To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and the all-new episodes coming thanks to #CloneWarsSaved, we’re undertaking a full chronological rewatchof the five original seasons, The Lost Missions, and the theatrical release. We’d be honored if you would join us and share your thoughts on the award-winning series.

“The costs of war can never be truly accounted for.”


Star Wars Ryloth Lylek

Obi-Wan Kenobi leads a small clone force into a Separatist-occupied town on Ryloth in an effort to sabotage their anti-aircraft guns. But the Republic’s mission is complicated when they find the natives being used as living shields and two clones encounter a young girl, Numa, on her own.


As the clone forces head to the surface of the besieged planet for the first time, there’s an air of disdain for the natives of Ryloth. Although General Obi-Wan Kenobi’s orders are to keep an eye out for the locals, some of his troops, including Clone Trooper Boil, are dismissive of their plight.”If we’re here to free the tail-heads, the least they can do is get out of our way,” he says.

It’s easy to see an entire village of Twi’leks as little more than a hindrance when they’re a faceless idea, a tactical disadvantage during a perilous game of war and an obstruction to fighting that makes the job the clones are there to do even harder than usual.


But once Boil and his cohort Clone Trooper Waxer meet Numa, everything changes. The emaciated little girl, half-starved and terribly frightened, is tougher than she seems. She’s not afraid to use the weapons at her disposal, including her teeth, to defend herself and she understands when her only hope of survival is to hide. And yet there’s something about her big eyes and spindly arms that makes the clones, born for battle, soften. Although clearly uncomfortable with affection, they cannot deny the compassion they feel for this innocent child.

That Waxer and Boil even possess the ability to change their minds, to recognize that perhaps their first impression of the Twi’leks was too callous, makes the flesh-and-blood clone force superior to the droid army they’re fighting.

The Separatists have created a living barrier of Twi’lek hostages, aiming to protect themselves by playing into the compassion of the Jedi and their troops. It’s a logical play, but the self-assured tactical droid making the call, TX-20, cannot compute every possible outcome.

He does not consider that two clones protecting a child could benefit from learning the navigate the tunnels beneath the village and outwit the Separatists.

He does not consider that Obi-Wan, speaking the language of the Twi’leks, may gain an advantage and their trust.

Ryloth Star Wars

And, certainly, staring down the long barrel of his proton cannon and safely seated at the controls of a tank, he does not consider that by threatening the general and young Numa, he will be torn limb from limb by an angry mob that so recently cowered under his command. Compassion, the willingness to risk their own lives to save another, simply “does not compute.”

And sometimes, perhaps most of the time, the heart must win out over the mind, for what is logical is not always the same as what is right.


  • There’s a Kowakian monkey-lizard painted on the hull of Obi-Wan’s lead gunship, known as the “Crumb Bomber.”

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below and share on social with #CloneWarsRewatch!

Next up: Come back Thursday, November 29, when the battle on Ryloth reaches a climactic conclusion in “Liberty on Ryloth.”

Associate Editor Kristin Baver is a writer and all-around sci-fi nerd who always has just one more question in an inexhaustible list of curiosities. Sometimes she blurts out “It’s a trap!” even when it’s not. Want to talk more about The Clone Wars? Hop on Twitter and tell @KristinBaver what you thought about today’s episode.

Site tags: #StarWarsBlog, #CloneWarsRewatch

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and the all-new episodes coming thanks to #CloneWarsSaved, we’re undertaking a full chronological rewatchof the five original seasons, The Lost Missions, and the theatrical release. We’d be honored if you would join us and share your thoughts on the award-winning series.

“Compromise is a virtue to be cultivated, not a weakness to be despised.”


Ryloth Star Wars

The battle for the Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth rages as the Republic attempts to drive off the occupying droid army led by Separatist Leader, Wat Tambor. With his forces stretched thin, Mace Windu must convince Twi’lek freedom fighter, General Cham Syndulla, to help him save the capital city.


Cham Syndulla has every reason not to trust the Jedi, so-called peacekeepers, who have brought destruction and suffering to his planet with their costly war against the Separatists. Or perhaps, it’s the Separatists who have brought havoc to Ryloth, from a certain point of view.

No matter who’s to blame, his people have been caught in the crossfire and made to suffer. They’ve been used as living shields and left starving, their villages targeted and bombed in the night.

He doesn’t trust the Republic to act as their saviors. “Another armed occupation is not a free Ryloth,” he says ominously. “How long before I am fighting you, Master Jedi?”

But ultimately he has little recourse; he must choose a side and he chooses the lesser of two evils.

He and Senator Orn Free Taa, old political rivals, come to an understanding, a compromise that at least in words promises a future Ryloth free of clones and droid troops. And the Jedi and the Republic get the boots on the ground that they need to win this battle.


  • Cham Syndulla was originally envisioned as a devious character, working with the Separatists and lying to keep his people under occupation for his own personal benefit. Ultimately he was recast as the freedom fighter we now know.

What did you think of the episode? Tell us in the comments below and share on social with #CloneWarsRewatch!

Star Wars Numa

Next up: Come back next Thursday when Cad Bane infiltrates the Jedi Temple in “Holocron Heist.”

Associate Editor Kristin Baver is a writer and all-around sci-fi nerd who always has just one more question in an inexhaustible list of curiosities. Sometimes she blurts out “It’s a trap!” even when it’s not. Want to talk more about The Clone Wars? Hop on Twitter and tell @KristinBaver what you thought about today’s episode.

Planet Ryloth

Site tags: #StarWarsBlog, #CloneWarsRewatch

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