Phonetic symbols

Short answer: The transition from /t/ to glottal stop does not require intermediate steps. Explanation: There are three main factors involved in the production of a consonant: place of articulation, manner of articulation, and voicing. The glottalization of /t/ is essentially a loss of place. /t/ is a voiceless alveolar stop. These three words. Apr 25, 2019 T-glottalization Stands Out When the T Is Dropped in the Middle of Words T-glottalization tends to be more noticeable when it happens in the middle of a word. For example, a hallmark of British Cockney speech is dropping T’s in the middle of words. This is common in some varieties of English, RP included; /t/ and /tʃ/ are the most affected but /p/ and /k/ also regularly show pre-glottalization. 4 In the English dialects exhibiting pre-glottalization, the consonants in question are usually glottalized in the coda position: 'what' ˈwɒʔt, 'fiction' ˈfɪʔkʃən, 'milkman' ˈmɪɫʔkmən, 'opera' ˈɒʔpɹə. In American English, the presence of creaky voice can derive from distinct linguistic processes, including phrasal creak (prolonged irregular voicing, often at edges of prosodic phrases) and coda /t/ glottalization (when the alveolar closure for syllable-final /t/ is replaced by or produced simultaneously with glottal constriction). Glottalization – consonants We know that during the production of voiceless sounds the glottis is open: the vocal folds are held gently apart (abducted) and are relaxed (see Making Speech Sounds). This is also the state of the glottis for restful breathing.


This list includes phonetic symbols for the transcription of English sounds, plus others that are used in this class for transliterating or transcribing various languages, with the articulatory description of the sounds and some extra comments where appropriate.

These symbols do not always follow the standard IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) usage — rather, they reflect the practices for the languages treated in this course, which are sometimes a bit idiosyncratic due to separate scholarly traditions. In some cases, a second line shows a different use of the same symbol, normally for another language or family of languages. Nevertheless, the list is by no means exhaustive; for example, most pinyin symbols for transcribing Mandarin are not listed here; see week 5.

You certainly don't need to memorize all these symbols, but you can use this page as a reference if you're not sure what a particular symbol means when you encounter it. Remember that you need a Unicode-compatible browser to see these symbols correctly. If you're not sure how to produce special symbols in your word processor, you can cut and paste from this page.

See the bottom of the page for diacritic marks on vowels.

SymbolPhonetic valueExample
alow central (or front) unrounded vowel French la
ä central vowel ranging between [ɛ] and [ə]Ethiopic
ɑ low back unrounded vowel; often written [a]spa
ɒ low back rounded vowel British hot
æ low front unrounded vowel cat, laugh, plaid
bvoiced bilabial stopbib
spirantized [b]; historically [β], modern [v] Hebrew
β voiced bilabial fricative Spanish haber
c voiceless alveolar affricate; IPA [ʦ] or [ts]Italian zucchero, German zu, Yiddish tsimmes
č voiceless palatoalveolar affricate; IPA [ʧ] or [tʃ]church, watch
ɔ lax mid back rounded vowel dog (for many speakers)
ɕ voiceless alveolopalatal fricative Mandarin xi
ç voiceless palatal fricative German ich
dvoiced alveolar stopdad
palatalized [dʸ]; can be pronounced [ǰ] Egyptian
or spirantized [d], same as [ð]Ancient Hebrew
voiced retroflex stop; IPA [ɖ] Indic
or emphatic, i.e. pharyngealized [dˁ]Semitic
ð voiced dental fricative this, either
etense mid front unrounded vowelbait, made
ə lax mid central vowel (unstressed in English); 'schwa'about, sofa
ɚ rhotacized schwa, essentially [ər]butter, actor
ɛ lax mid front unrounded vowel bet, head
ɝ stressed [ɚ] in English; often transcribed the same waybird, learn
fvoiceless labiodental fricativefife, laugh
gvoiced velar stopgag
spirantized [g]; same as [ɣ]Ancient Hebrew
hvoiceless glottal fricativehit
ʰaspiration of preceding soundtop vs. stop
voiceless pharyngeal fricative; IPA [ħ]Arabic hummus
voiceless uvular fricative; same as [χ]Egyptian, Semitic
voiceless fricative; probably palatal [ç]Egyptian
itense high front unrounded vowelsee, diva
ɪ lax high front unrounded vowel hit
special transcriptional symbol; also [j]Egyptian
ɨ high central unrounded vowel roses
j voiced palatal glide; same as [y] in other systemsstandard IPA; Mycenaean Greek
or alternate transliteration for [ỉ]Egyptian
ʲpalatalization of preceding sound; also [ʸ] roughly canyon vs. cannon
ǰ voiced palatoalveolar affricate; IPA [ʤ] or [dʒ]judge
kvoiceless velar stopkick, cake
voiceless uvular stop; same as [q]Egyptian
spirantized [k]; same as [x]Ancient Hebrew
lvoiced alveolar lateral liquidlip
voiced retroflex lateral liquid; IPA [ɭ]Indic
ɬ voiceless alveolar lateral fricative Semitic; Welsh 'll'
ɫ velarized voiced alveolar lateral liquidhull
mvoiced bilabial nasalmom
nvoiced alveolar nasalnone
ŋ voiced velar nasal; don't confuse with sequence [ŋg]singer
voiced retroflex nasal; IPA [ɳ]Indic
ɲ voiced palatal nasal Spanish ñ, Italian gn
ɴ voiced uvular nasal Japanese word-final 'n'
otense mid back rounded vowelgo, hope, boat
ŏ mid central unrounded vowel, similar to [ə]Korean 'eo'
ɸ voiceless bilabial fricative (like blowing out a match)
θ voiceless dental fricative thing, myth
pvoiceless bilabial stoppep
spirantized [p]; historically [ɸ], modern [f]Hebrew
þrunic letter equivalent to [θ] Icelandic
or runic letter that can be read as either [θ] or [ð]Old English, some Scandinavian
qvoiceless uvular stopArabic Qatar
rvoiced alveolar trill (often used for other types of 'r')Spanish perro
ɹ voiced (post)alveolar liquid, the English 'r'; often just written [r]run, sorry
ɾ voiced alveolar tap; sometimes written [ᴅ]Am Engl city; Spanish pero
ʀ voiced uvular trill some French dialects, etc.
ʁ voiced uvular fricative French, German, Modern Hebrew 'r'
voiced retroflex flap; IPA [ɽ]Indic
svoiceless alveolar fricativesit, hiss, rice, cent
švoiceless postalveolar fricative; IPA [ʃ]ship, push, delicious
śvoiceless alveolopalatal fricative; IPA [ɕ]Indic
or voiceless alveolar fricative; historically distinct from [z]Egyptian (often just 's')
or voiceless fricative; historically distinct from [s]Hebrew, other Semitic
voiceless retroflex fricative; IPA [ʂ]Indic, Mandarin ('sh')
or emphatic, i.e. pharyngealized [sˁ]Semitic
ʃvoiceless postalveolar fricative; same as [š]ship, push, delicious
tvoiceless alveolar stopstop
voiceless retroflex stop; IPA [ʈ]Indic
or emphatic, i.e. pharyngealized [tˁ]Semitic
palatalized [tʸ]; can be pronounced [č]Egyptian
or spirantized [t], same as [θ]Ancient Hebrew
ʨvoiceless alveolopalatal affricateMandarin ji (cf. aspirated qi)
voiceless retroflex affricateMandarin zhi (cf. aspirated chi)
utense high back rounded vowelooze, prune
ʊ lax high back rounded vowel put, book
ŭ high central unrounded vowel, similar to [ɨ]Korean 'eu'
ü tense high front rounded vowelFrench, German, Mandarin
vvoiced labiodental fricativeverve
ʌ mid central unrounded vowel; stressed in English cut, love
ɣ voiced velar fricative Spanish haga
wvoiced labial-velar glidewitch
ʍ voiceless labial-velar fricative which for some speakers
xvoiceless velar fricativechutzpah, German ach
χ voiceless uvular fricative Semitic, Egyptian
y voiced palatal glide (in many transcription systems); IPA [j]yes
high front rounded vowel (in IPA)French u, German ü
ʸpalatalization of preceding sound; IPA [ʲ] roughly canyon vs. cannon
ʎ voiced palatal lateral Italian gli, Castilian ll
zvoiced alveolar fricativefizz, his, rose
voiced retroflex fricative; IPA [ʐ]Indic, Mandarin ('r')
or emphatic, i.e. pharyngealized [zˁ] or [ðˁ]Semitic
žvoiced palatoalveolar fricative; IPA [ʒ]rouge, vision
ʒvoiced palatoalveolar fricative; same as [ž]rouge, vision
glottalization of preceding sound (ejective)Mayan, Ethiopic
aspiration of preceding sound; same as [ʰ]Chinese (not Pinyin)
ʔ glottal stop; also written ’ or ʾmedial sound in uh-oh
ʕ voiced pharyngeal fricative; also written ‘ or ʿArabic ‘ayn

The following examples illustrate diacritic marks that can be added to other symbols, in particular vowels. The same accent or other mark may in some cases appear with more than the vowel symbols shown, or with a subset for cases where more than one function is encountered.

Glottal Stop T

ExamplesPhonetic valueLanguages
ā ē ī ō ū ǖhigh level tone (= Mandarin 'tone 1')Chinese
or long vowel Japanese, Greek, etc.
á é í ó ú ǘrising tone (= Mandarin 'tone 2')Chinese
or primary stressModern Greek, Spanish, etc.
or 'acute accent'Classical Greek
or equivalent to subscript 2 for distinguishing homophonesSumerian
ǎ ě ǐ ǒ ǔ ǚfalling-rising tone (= Mandarin 'tone 3')Chinese
à è ì ò ù ǜfalling tone (= Mandarin 'tone 4')Chinese
or secondary stressmany transcriptions
or 'grave accent'Classical Greek
or word-final stressItalian
or equivalent to subscript 3 for distinguishing homophonesSumerian
â ê î ô ûlong vowel that results from two short vowelsAkkadian, other Semitic
or any long vowelCree, etc.
or 'circumflex accent'Classical Greek
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